Body Percussion for Beginners, Advanced Learners, Groups and Classes
(104 pages, incl. DVD and CD)
The captivating learning and training program! Learn body percussion step by step! Start with fascinating sounds combine them to groovy rhythms of different styles, add cool moves and apply the new material as song accompaniments!
Body HITS and BEATS is a comprehensive practice book, for:
Beginners who want to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of body percussion sounds and rhythms.
Advanced Learners looking for new rhythms, cool moves, and compelling choreographies.
Teachers of students ages 8 to 88 looking for varied performance pieces with engaging accompanying music.
Anyone who wants to enrich their music lessons with creative ideas.
The comprehensive media package (DVD and CD) includes 83 motivational video clips that show all exercises and choreographies, 5 groovy practice loops that encourage perseverance, and 10 body hits in 2 different tempos.
RhythmOne 2019
ISBN 978-3-9503833-7-9
YouTube Previews:
Clapping Excercise 1
Happy Hands
Rhythm Dance
Downtown Funk
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